Face Shields built for comfort and durability. Approved by Health Canada.

Back to School Safety in Fall 2020


Are you sending your child back to school this fall? On the one hand, parents want to keep their children safe. On the other hand, many of the studies are suggesting children are less likely to become infected or spread the virus. It’s a hard decision for many.

If your children are returning to school, try to remind them and yourself that things may not feel like normal – at least for a while. But having safety plans – and making sure your school has the resources needed to follow them – can help protect students, teachers, staff, and families.

Here are the rules per province that were reported today on CBC:

“From coast to coast, all back-to-school plans include a few key measures:

Physical distancing: While distancing is being encouraged for older students across Canada, it’s not as practical for younger students.

Additional cleaning and hygiene rules: This includes regular hand sanitization. Food sharing is discouraged.

Class groupings: These are also known as cohorts, where a certain number of students can be within two metres of each other. This is done in an effort to minimize the number of people any one student or teacher is exposed to.

Daily self-screening: This entails checking yourself for COVID-19 symptoms and taking an online self-assessment test, if necessary.”

To see what the rules are in your province, click here 

For now, face coverings for students are only mandatory in Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Quebec and sometimes only for certain grades and for certain areas of the school. 

Whether teachers will be mandated to wear a face covering is still unclear, but it may be a good idea to wear a face shield, according to Dr. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases in the USA. 

To read more, visit here

If you have questions about your student's school rules, your school or district is the best place to get help. 


All the staff are local Vernon, BC employees who are trying their best to meet the demands of a global crisis. All the shields, along with face masks, are made with Canadian supplies by Canadian employees. Safe Shields is a small company with a big desire to help Canadians through the COVID-19 health crisis while providing workers with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) compatible face shields. The medical face shields were fully approved by Health Canada with a medical device manufacturing number (MDEL 13863).  

Safe Shields face shields are available online from $15.99 and up depending on the size and customization. 

