Manufacturing Face Shields for Canadians
To find out more about Safe Shields on Global News Okanagan, click here.
Vernon, BC Safe Shields today announced that they now have over 5000 customers. Safe Shields is a face shield manufacturing company, in Vernon, BC, that was quickly created to help with the shortage of PPE equipment in Canada.
"I think every person should have a face shield," said epidemiologist Michael Edmond. View article.
"It should be worn anytime they leave their home, while in any public place, and even at work."
When Kim Shippam had to shut her doors in March 2020 due to government recommendations, she felt somewhat helpless and overwhelmed. Used to running her two businesses, Caufields Engraving and Caufields Memorials, managing her small staff and juggling her busy life as a single mom, Kim wasn't sure how she would sit still.
She was at home keeping her eye on the latest news when she saw a broadcast about 3D printed face shields. A born innovator with a strong background in laser printing and assemblage, Kim knew she could create a "better face shield." She was ready to pivot her business.
Kim knew she wanted to help keep her community and Canadians safe. After learning about the shortage of PPE equipment and how 3D printers were trying to fill a new demand for face shields, she knew she could use her company's equipment to make something similar.
After designing and creating 8 different prototypes at her warehouse in Vernon, BC, Kim felt like she had a face shield ready to ship. She quickly put the word out that she had the means and desire to help Canada and its front-line workers. Soon orders were flying in and instead of laying off employees, Kim was hiring 50 more. Kim's third company, Safe Shields, was off and running.
Safe Shields’ first large order was to the Kindale Developmental Association, a non-profit society that provides a wide range of services to people with developmental and other disabilities throughout the North Okanagan. Today the company is delivering both large and small orders across the nation.
To see all the Safe Shields line, click here.